federally[ 'fedərəli ]
- adv.by federal government
"it's federally regulated"
Statement regarding federally sponsored research or developmentHousing characteristics and the well-being of elderly tenants in federally assisted housing.Updated Status of Federally Listed ESUs of West ...Method and system for processing federally insured annuity and life insurance investmentsAmbulatory care sensitive hospitalizations and emergency visits: experiences of Medicaid patients using federally qualified health c...Statement As To Rights To Inventions Made Under Federally Sponsored Research And DevelopmentContinuous Fiber Ceramic Composite (CFCC) Program. Inventory of federally funded CFCC R&D projectsAn Analysis of technology transfer mechanisms for federally funded R & DAdvanced mute functionUSE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC EXCITATION OR LIGHT-MATTER INTERACTIONS TO GENERATE OR EXCHANGE THERMAL, KINETIC, ELECTRONIC OR PHOTONIC ENERGY